July 1, 2024
Proposed Resolutions Due

July 17, 2024
Comment Period Open to Members

July 28, 2024
Comment Period Closes

August 12, 2024
Submitted Resolutions Shared with Members

August 16, 2024
Resolution Testimony and Voting at Annual Meeting

Member Resolutions Shape NMA Policy

One of the benefits of NMA membership is the opportunity to shape NMA policy through the resolution process. Any NMA member, including students and residents, can submit a resolution.

What is a Resolution?

A resolution is a proposal that asks the NMA to take a certain position or action, accompanied by supporting statements of facts. The purpose of a resolution is to bring to light an issue affecting physicians and/or patients that needs the attention or efforts of the Nebraska Medical Association. A resolution may ask the NMA to take a certain position, form a committee or task force, study an issue, or take other action.

See a sample resolution here.

How Can Resolutions be Submitted for Consideration?

Members in Douglas and Lancaster counties are encouraged to work through their county medical society (Metro Omaha Medical Society or Lancaster County Medical Society, respectively) to bring their resolution forward to the NMA. Resolutions may be submitted individually, by a group of members, or by a component medical society.

The preferred method for bringing a resolution is for consideration at the Annual Membership Meeting, which occurs in August. Resolutions should be submitted to the NMA at least 30 days prior to the start of the Annual Membership Meeting by emailing the resolution to julir@nebmed.org.

For matters of a time-sensitive nature that cannot wait for submission to the Annual Membership Meeting, members may submit a resolution directly to the NMA Board of Directors for consideration by emailing the resolution to julir@nebmed.org. Resolutions received directly by the Board for consideration will be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, or the Board may convene a special meeting to consider a resolution.

What Happens Once a Resolution is Submitted for Consideration at the Annual Meeting?

All resolutions submitted for consideration at the annual meeting are provided electronically to all members no later than 25 days prior to the annual meeting for viewing, along with access to an electronic platform to provide testimony, which is open for at least 10 days. At the conclusion of the online comment period, a Resolution Committee, appointed by the NMA Executive Committee, reviews the submitted resolutions along with the member input received during the online comment period. The Resolution Committee then assesses whether any resolution should be revised based on member input or any other considerations and works with the authors of such resolutions to consider revisions. The final slate of resolutions, including any revisions, is provided electronically to all members no later than 5 days prior to the annual meeting.

At the annual meeting, resolutions are presented in the order received by the NMA. Authors or their designees have the opportunity to introduce their resolution, followed by testimony in support of or in opposition to it. Members present at the meeting may suggest amendments to the resolution during this time as well. A final vote is taken at the conclusion of debate, with every non-student member present at the meeting entitled to vote.

What Happens Once a Resolution is Passed?

Resolutions passed by the membership or the Board of Directors become official NMA policy and guide the work of the organization. The NMA works to promote and implement policy resolutions in a number of ways, including the state legislative process, advocacy with Nebraska’s congressional delegation, communications, partnerships with health systems and other entities, and administrative and regulatory advocacy.